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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Beginning

Today, the Green crew and I cleaned the very first house I cleaned on my very first day on the job. Seems about right that I begin telling you where it all started as I go through the same sequence with you.

This house, like all houses, will be given code names. This particular house will be the Woods House, simply because anything and everything is made of wood. We got cherry wood, mahogany, teak, Brazilian walnut, oak, maple, birch, beech, black walnut, ash, the list could go on and on. I think that in order for this house to have been built and furnished, an entire forest had to of been stripped of its wondrousness. It’s insane!

Since the very first day and thereafter that I’ve stepped foot inside the Woods’ residence I reluctantly feel the same: claustrophobic, stuffed and in desperate need of artificial light. The halls are narrow and stocked with wooden furniture blocking any arm and leg space, I already mentioned the darkness, hence the need for light, and the unbelievable amount of dust is what makes me despise cleaning this house. On a good day it takes our three-person crew two hours to clean the entire three-story-house. Oh, and did I mention the Woods own three cats? No? Now I did!

We drive up the driveway (and I always let out a sigh of agony as we do) and meet up with an average size backyard. We enter from the back door and find two narrow passages: six steps will take us up and twenty will take us down.

Because we work like ants, in a very structured, assembly kind of way, we always begin upstairs inside the master bedroom and master bathroom. We work our way through the house until finally leaving the kitchen as a bitter end.

So up we go. Remember, we’re entering through the back door and climbing up the six, wooden steps. The first thing we see is the kitchen. We drop our equipment, grab what we need/use and head on up. Usually I dust, the crew-leader does floors and our third person (names later) does the 2 ½ bathrooms. Now, much like the video below, we clean every single room from top to bottom, make beds, throw out all of the garbage and then some.

Upstairs, the master bedroom is HUGE. And remember, everything is made of wood. There are two other bedrooms and an office with a small sitting area. I gotta hand it the Ms. Woods, some of the things she owns are pretty neat. She has some beautiful and tasteful art and historical ornaments. She even owns a late 1800s revolver (a gun)! It’s mounted up above her chimney in a very elegant and museum-like fashion.

I don’t mind dusting since I move quickly through the house and make my way to her kitchen. I’m careful with her “plants” (which are more like dust-filled twigs in vases) and I even enjoy her tabby stalking me through the enormous house.

By the time we get out of the house we’re exhausted, desperate for sunlight (The Woods don’t have a lot of electrical light, they have oil lamps and candles) and sneezing our way to the next assignment. We clean this house every thirty days so the amount of dust, cobwebs and everything dirty is incredible.

I recall Ms. Woods playing soft melodious tunes as we rummaged throughout her tree-like mansion but now the only thing we hear is the sound of our vacuum buzzing desperately about her steep home. I don't know what stopped her from leaving her radio on for us, but we move just as quickly.

This house may sound nice and just plain ugh' at certain times but the plain truth is that I feel no pleasure in cleaning it. In fact, I despise this house! Nothing personal, I just hate the difficulties it adds to our day. I think that if you begin the day with the most difficult task, it makes the rest of your day a lot easier, smoother and more relaxed. But the truth is that this house (and we do it at the beginning) is so treacherous that it complicates the pain in my back! And then it just morphs into the pain in my ass! Ha!

So there, the beginning to our beginning. And boy do I wish I could end that statement witht the word end

*pics not from the Woods' home, just great examples to express my words*

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